Sunday, August 29, 2010

Homework 8/30/10

The position versus time graph shown above represents a runner's motion. First, explain, in detail, what the runner's motion looks like and then create a velocity versus time graph that represents the runner. Hint: Since each axis is numerated, you should calculate the slope and use that value to help describe the runner's motion.

Remember: for full credit, you must fill the entire page. Make sure your homework has the three key elements: diagrams, words, and math.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Classroom of the Future

Welcome to the general physics blog! As technology continues to change our world at an ever-increasing rate, so too should our methods of learning about the world. Blogs and other online learning resources are becoming very common in high school and college classrooms. My hope is that this blog will help make you comfortable with online learning and assignments. You should visit this site often for updates on homework, tests, and other classroom happenings. Good luck!
(Above image from